Friendship and more

Supportive sessions for refugees and asylum seekers

Every Thursday, members organise a friendship session for women who are now making their home in the UK. These women come from countries including Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Thailand. They all appreciate this kind support and friendship, many having tragic stories to share.

Some are able to speak English, with others just learning. Some have young children and babies and are trying to cope without husbands or family.

Members provide a soup lunch followed by a time for chatting and sharing craft skills; flower arranging is a favourite. Members also occupy the young children to give the mums a break.

Please seek advice regarding appropriate Safeguarding procedures to follow.

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  • An Inspired idea:
    Engaged couples add their names and the date of their wedding to a prayer tree so that members can then pray for them.

  • Feedback on Inspired

    "Looking through the Inspired pages I really was ‘inspired’ to read about the variety of activities with which Mothers’ Union members are involved; some of them really simple so that even the smallest branches could take them on.

    Just imagine if every branch was ‘inspired’ to take up one thing – what an impact that would have!"

    Claire, member from the Diocese of Birmingham