Encouraging faith

A cross in my pocket

Members make beautiful crosses and then give them out to family and friends, and in many other contexts too, praying for these people.
READ MORE – or download here: A cross in my pocket

Prayer trees

At Wedding Fairs, members from the Diocese of Norwich invite couples who are preparing for their marriage to write down their prayer request on blank cards which they provide, and then tie their prayer to a branch on a tree.
READ MORE – or download here: Prayer trees

Advent travelling crib

Many branches around the UK & Ireland help individuals and families focus on the meaning of advent, by passing round a hand knitted replica of the Holy Family.
READ MORE – or download here: Advent travelling crib

Books of comfort

These books of comfort provide inspiration and support for those times when people might particularly appreciate a reminder of a God who loves and sustains us. 
READ MORE – or download here: Books of comfort

Hand in Hand

Hand in Hand is a booklet that aims to help families enjoy faith as a family.
READ MORE – or download here: Hand in Hand

Prayer shawls

Members get together to pray and share fellowship, and whilest together, they knit prayer shawls, which are given to anyone the group hears of who might appreciate one.
READ MORE – or download here: Prayer shawls

Story telling

Children love stories, and reading them Bible stories is a great way to help even young children begin to hear about a God who loves and cares for them.
READ MORE – or download here: Story telling

Keeping in touch with baptism families

These are just some of the ways that church communities find to do this:
READ MORE or download here: Keeping in touch with baptism families

Gifts for baptism families

In the Diocese of Peterborough, members often present the baptism family with a flower and candle posie.
READ MORE – or download here: Gifts for baptism families

Baptism ‘leaves’

Each member of the church congregation, whether adult or child, is given a paper template of a leaf and writes a prayer or message for the child.
READ MORE – or download here: Baptism ‘leaves’

Prayer chains

Prayer is at the heart of Mothers’ Union.  As well as participating in midday prayers, some dioceses also arrange prayer chains.
READ MORE – or download here: Prayer chains

Prayer cushions

Produced to help furnish a ‘Quiet Room’  in a school.
READ MORE – or download here: Prayer cushions

Messy palms

Mothers’ Union and Messy Church came together at Liverpool Cathedral for a celebration of Palm Sunday – Messy Palms!
READ MORE – or download here: Messy palms

  • An Inspired idea:
    Engaged couples add their names and the date of their wedding to a prayer tree so that members can then pray for them.

  • Feedback on Inspired

    "Looking through the Inspired pages I really was ‘inspired’ to read about the variety of activities with which Mothers’ Union members are involved; some of them really simple so that even the smallest branches could take them on.

    Just imagine if every branch was ‘inspired’ to take up one thing – what an impact that would have!"

    Claire, member from the Diocese of Birmingham