Category Archives: Uncategorized

Postcard campaign

Inspired to take action by the Bye Buy Childhood campaign, Mothers’ Union in Ireland produced a ready-to-send postcard for complaints about unsuitable television content shown outside the watershed. All-Ireland Mothers’ Union produced two versions of the postcard – one pre-addressed to Ofcom (for complaints in the North) and one to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland […]

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Practical support for those seeking refuge

People who escape from abusive situations can arrive with literally nothing – no food, clothes, toiletries, and may have no immediate access to money. Mothers’ Union members in Southwark diocese help by collecting a range of items that the families may need. Before starting to collect goods, it’s helpful to first of all: • Talk […]

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Prayer chains

Prayer is at the heart of Mothers’ Union. As well as participating in midday prayers, some dioceses also arrange prayer chains. In the Diocese of Cork, a bimonthly prayer sheet is also put together by the Mothers’ Union Faith & Policy Coordinator and sent to all those who have indicated they want to receive it. […]

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Prayer cushions

Mothers’ Union members and their friends in the Diocese of Cork provided prayer cushions to help furnish the newly established ‘Quiet Room’ of Brandon Grammar School after being approached by the principal of the school. Beany bags and cushions were made from recycled material such as old curtains, upholstery from chairs, etc and then filled […]

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Prayer shawls

Members and friends get together to pray and share fellowship, and whilest together, they knit prayer shawls.  These are given to anyone the group hears of who might appreciate one. A card and a prayer is added to the shawl. “So many recipients have said how much comfort they get from just having them wrapped around […]

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Prayer trees

As people find out that Mothers’ Union is a Christian faith based agency, caring for the family, they often ask us to pray for them. At Wedding Fairs, members from the Diocese of Norwich invite couples who are preparing for their marriage to write down their prayer request on blank cards which they provide, and […]

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Helping couples prepare for marriage

Couples tell us that participating in these sessions, helps them to “focus on each other, and our relationship, in the midst of the busyness of getting ready for THE BIG DAY!” That’s why Mothers’ Union trains members to facilitate these sessions. With the support of the local clergy, why not participate in Loving for Life, […]

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Rice and bikes

Supporting refugees and asylum seekers: Members take in dry goods, (pasta, rice, etc) to a centre for refugees and asylum seekers in the centre of Bristol which is managed by another charity. The volunteers stay to chat with the people living there, to offer encouragement, helping people to feel valued and welcomed by representatives of […]

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Snack and chat

Snack and chat is a weekly meeting held in the coffee area at the back of their church for people who, for whatever reason, are feeling a bit lonely or isolated, and would welcome someone to talk to. The two members who organise this weekly session have met a wide variety of people, coming from […]

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Praying for couples

Prayer is at the heart of all that Mothers’ Union is and does. Many members, who may not have the time, or perhaps are unable to be practically involved in supporting couples, commit to pray for them. These members, along with parishioners, are given the names of the couples (once permission has been obtained from […]

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  • An Inspired idea:
    Engaged couples add their names and the date of their wedding to a prayer tree so that members can then pray for them.

  • Feedback on Inspired

    "Looking through the Inspired pages I really was ‘inspired’ to read about the variety of activities with which Mothers’ Union members are involved; some of them really simple so that even the smallest branches could take them on.

    Just imagine if every branch was ‘inspired’ to take up one thing – what an impact that would have!"

    Claire, member from the Diocese of Birmingham