Child contact centres

When couples separate or divorce, it can become difficult for the parent who moves out of the family home to maintain a relationship with their child/ren.

Contact centres have been set up to provide a warm, safe, neutral environment where a parent who isn’t resident in the family home can talk and play with their child/ren and need not meet their partner. They aim is to provide short-term help and support towards establishing or maintaining meaningful contact between child and the non-resident parent.

Mothers’ Union members help by volunteering at these centres, offering a friendly point of contact to all parents and children who use them.

Please seek advice regarding appropriate Safeguarding procedures to follow.

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  • An Inspired idea:
    Engaged couples add their names and the date of their wedding to a prayer tree so that members can then pray for them.

  • Feedback on Inspired

    "Looking through the Inspired pages I really was ‘inspired’ to read about the variety of activities with which Mothers’ Union members are involved; some of them really simple so that even the smallest branches could take them on.

    Just imagine if every branch was ‘inspired’ to take up one thing – what an impact that would have!"

    Claire, member from the Diocese of Birmingham