Author Archives: MUe

Tackling Torment

Tackling Torment is a resource that offers a range of helpful information and suggests actions parents can take to support their children, both those who are being bullied and those who bully. Are there parents you know who might like a copy? Consider offering your parish priest a copy of the resource and discussing together […]

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Tea and toast

At a primary school just next to the local Anglican church, members noticed that parents often stayed to chat after the school day began. They decided to open up the church twice a week, offering ‘Tea and Toast’ between 9am – 10am, to the parents, along with their pre-school aged children. Members make the tea […]

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Teddies for tragedies

Members in Leicester enthusiastically knit teddies, which are then given to a number of agencies to distribute to children who experience traumatic situations (hospitals, the police, family centres, etc). One bag of teddies was given to the police child protection team. Paul, the liaison officer, told Mothers’ Union that one teddy had been given to […]

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Top tips for mums and dads

Top tips: A bookmark that offers encouragement and advice All parents appreciate a bit of encouragement and support, so why not offer them this ‘top tips’ bookmark? It could be given out informally, to parents you know, or through events and occasions that bring parents together, such as: • Parents’ groups • Parent and toddler […]

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Unto us a star is born

We all know that having a baby is not always straight forward. It can be a bewildering time, with unbalanced hormones, many visitors, disrupted sleep and a change of routine, all adding to the confusing situation that new mothers and their partners can find themselves. For some time now, members from the Diocese of Worcester […]

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Valentines’ day services

At St. Margaret’s Church in the Diocese of Norwich, The Rev Andrew Parsons, invites those couples who have married in his church during the previous year and those due to marry in the coming year, to come to the special annual St Valentine’s Day service on the nearest Sunday. During the service, married couples have an […]

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Wedding teas

Some members, working alongside their incumbent, have found that couples preparing to get married at their church value the opportunity to meet with other couples in the same situation. They also find it helpful and encouraging to meet couples who have recently married at the same church. Members have helped to organise ‘wedding teas’ or […]

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What dads add

These credit card sized resources are designed to give to fathers when their child is baptised. Make sure the local clergy know about them. What would be the best way to offer these cards to dads? Discuss how to use these cards with the parish priest and any team that work along the clergy, as […]

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Working with others in prisons

Mothers’ Union members are working with other volunteers, in partnership with staff, to ensure children and families visiting prisoners have a positive experience. The Prison Community Volunteer Group emerged after Mothers’ Union responded to Churches Together, who put out a request to local faith communities, in order to form a band of volunteers to support […]

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Working with the Church

Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Salisbury worked together with the Diocesan Children’s Adviser to run a day on the Bye Buy Childhood campaign, as part of the diocese’s Continuing Ministerial Training Programme. The day was attended by clergy, lay pastoral assistants and Mothers’ Union members. Following presentations on the commercialisation of childhood by different […]

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  • An Inspired idea:
    Engaged couples add their names and the date of their wedding to a prayer tree so that members can then pray for them.

  • Feedback on Inspired

    "Looking through the Inspired pages I really was ‘inspired’ to read about the variety of activities with which Mothers’ Union members are involved; some of them really simple so that even the smallest branches could take them on.

    Just imagine if every branch was ‘inspired’ to take up one thing – what an impact that would have!"

    Claire, member from the Diocese of Birmingham