In 2018 I accepted the invitation to be a Patron of the Mother’s Union on the Isle of Man. I attended the Festival Service in April, the Advent Service in early December, and was asked to give the address on Founders Day on 9thAugust. I have come to understand the valuable contribution that the Mothers’ Union makes to life on the island, and was honoured to be asked to take over as Diocesan President for the Triennial 2019 – 2021.

My Husband is + Peter of Sodor and Man, and it was his appointment in 2017 that brought us to this treasure of an island in the middle of the Irish Sea. My background is a great mix of experiences! I worked as a computer programmer in London during the 1980s, and after marrying, I became an army wife. Over the next twenty five years, Peter served with the Royal Army Chaplains Department, and we followed the flag to Germany, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and various postings in England, while he ministered to soldiers and their families in war and peace. We have one adult son Harry who lives and works in Oxford.

It is a privilege to have been elected Diocesan President, and together with the board of Trustees we hope to offer support to marriage and family life for all.

Gail Eagles

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