Faith & Policy - Birmingham Mothers Union
Prayer and a shared faith in Christ is at the heart of all we do in Mothers’ Union. One of our aims in the Faith & Policy Unit is to develop our own faith and spirituality. We put our prayer and faith into action through our social policy initiatives both locally, nationally and worldwide. Faith and Policy unit can be active across all units. Here In the Birmingham diocese the Faith & Policy unit has a number of elements:- Our Indoor Members. (IMPC) are contacted regularly by Anne Pycock, with cards and greetings at special times and are given a new laminated prayer card each year devised within the unit which many use daily. During the summer they enjoy a tea party enabling some to meet one another and share fellowship. Many of this group are very elderly, or because of family situations find it difficult to attend regular meetings. Deaneries or Groups are responsible for leading Cathedral Prayers on a rota basis. Branches and individual members are encouraged to support this half hour of prayer at midday when we pray for Mothers’ Union in Birmingham and across the world, and remember the needs of the cathedral and the city itself. If you would like some guidance on leading Cathedral Prayers please click here To encourage our own faith worship is an important part of our fellowship. Each branch meeting holds its own worship, and the unit is able to help and advise by occasional sharing and training sessions and by putting together worship and spiritual resources as needed. Special services are held within the deaneries and also our Festival service in the Cathedral is a wonderful opportunity to share together. Days of Reflection and Retreats are arranged for the strengthening of the faith of members. Here we can reflect on what God is saying to us through the Bible and gain support and encouragement by praying together. Work with children and young families To encourage parents to develop the faith of their children we suggest the use of Hand in Hand booklet and attend diocesan initiatives, The Big Splash for baptism ministry, and Growing for God. Members run parent and toddler groups and assist in baptism preparation where Families First magazine may be available. The Social Policy aspect of the unit helps put our faith into practise. As we witness as Christians and Mothers’ Union members we try to be informed, discuss and take action on issues affecting family life. We took part in Bye Buy Childhood and continue to monitor local issues as it affects children and families. Through our Social Policy Contact we keep up to date with the activities of governments and the United Nations and are encouraged to contribute to Government consultations, for instance on Same Sex marriage. We seek to promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children. For information about Social Policy click here