


Gladys and Elsie presenting Fiddle Pinnies to Thomas Knight Care Centre in Blyth

Gladys and Elsie presenting Fiddle Pinnies to Thomas Knight Care Centre in Blyth

Fiddle Pinny’s – Newcastle MU has launched our new project for 2015, Fiddle Pinny’s.  These are activity pinny’s which will help those at a certain stage of dementia keep their minds occupied.  Demand has far exceeded expectations so if you are a keen sewer and think you could offer your services please contact A&O Unit Co- ordinator Gladys McCoulough Tel: 0191 298 0332 or Email 

 Bailey Review – Read the Mothers’ Union response to the Bailey Review.

The Seeds Have Been Planted – Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator Lynne Craggs has visited over ten branches with a presentation to help encourage ways to increase membership numbers.  All branches have entered into this year’s growth theme with enthusiasm. There have been many exciting opportunities discussed and the branches will now decide how they will take stage two forward.  Any branches that would like to book a Help Us Grow presentation can contact Lynne on 07792 190247 or Email