There are lots of different resources produced by Mothers’ Union that are really useful in supporting different aspects of our objectives, have a look at the resources list below by clicking on the words in the boxes. These can be obtained from Caroline by leaving a message on the website or contact via

or direct from central services at MSH 24 Tufton St. London, SW1P 3RB  Tel: 020 7222 5533

Mothers Union Resources list

Families First

Families First  is a lifestyle magazine from Mothers Union for people who care about families and who want to support families in their community. Practical features tackle real life issues about making marriages loving and lasting, good parenting, and putting Christian faith into action locally and globally.

Every subscription helps raise funds for the charitable outreach of Mothers’ Union.

A year’s subscription of six issues costs £15 with a special discount price of £9 for Mothers’ Union members (UK prices).

For more information



Muenterprises is the trading arm of Mothers Union charity, they operate an online gift shop, conference rooms and families first magazine. Click on MUenterprises to get straight through to their website. There are lots of lovely cards and gifts to be found there.

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